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8 Steps to Build a Personal Brand as an Entrepreneur

It turns out that we trust people more than we trust brands. Statistics back this up: posts written from a personal account get 561% more reach than the same message published on a brand’s profile.

Take Elon Musk, for example. His audience on X surpasses that of the official accounts for Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. The popularity of his products is largely attributed to the strength of his personal brand as a talented entrepreneur.

If he can do it, so can you .

The key is to understand how to build a personal brand—authentic, strong, and meaningful. The roadmap isn’t a secret. Just eight steps separate you from success.

Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

First and foremost, acknowledge this: a strong personal brand cannot be fake. In the age of social media, no one can deceive others for long. Therefore, your personal brand must reflect the real traits of your personality.

To start, answer these questions:

  • What do you want to be known for?
  • Why exactly are you planning to develop a personal brand?
  • What message do you want to convey?

You also need to analyze yourself from a professional standpoint. Honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A table can help account for all the details:

Your AchievementsSkills you have acquired over your lifetime
Educational documents (including courses)
Career growth
Success in promoting your own business
Your ValuesWhat you believe in
Your convictions
Your principles
Your life stance
Your InterestsTopics and industries you are passionate about
Hobbies and preferences
Areas in which you are eager to grow

Once you’ve filled in all the sections, look for patterns and overlaps. This will serve as the foundation to help you build a personal brand.

Define Your Target Audience

Think about who you want to build personal brand as an entrepreneur. For example, it could be:

  • Clients
  • Colleagues
  • Business partners
  • Investors

A common mistake is building a personal brand solely to boost your ego. Aside from pleasant emotions, you won’t gain much from this. However, if you promote your personal brand among potential clients or business partners, your profits will eventually grow along with your popularity.

You might have multiple target audiences, each requiring a tailored approach. Try to describe each in detail by creating an “avatar” with the following characteristics:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, profession, income level.
  • Values and Interests: What do these people care about? How do they want to grow? How can you engage them?
  • Problems and Pains: What obstacles does your audience face?

Understanding your target audience is a crucial step in building a personal brand. By giving it enough attention, you’ll be able to understand exactly how to capture people’s attention and trust and develop entrepreneur personal branding strategies. For example, potential clients might be more interested in the results of your work, while colleagues may want to know how you achieved those results.

Create a Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Your UVP is what makes you unique—what sets you apart from others. To create it:

  1. Think about what you do best and love doing, and compare that with what your clients desire.
  2. Study your competitors and figure out how you can stand out from them.
  3. Define your key advantages: What makes you different from others? What problems do you solve for your audience, and most importantly—how do you do it?
  4. Decide what emotions you want to evoke in your audience. How should someone feel when interacting with you?

For example, if you’re building your personal brand as a personal growth coach, your UVP could be: “I help you overcome imposter syndrome and unlock your potential in just one month.”

Develop a Strong Visual Identity

Decide how you will present yourself to your audience. How you will look, speak, and even laugh. It’s important to create a recognizable and cohesive image, which includes:

  • Appearance: One or several photos, videos
  • Tone of Voice: The tone and emotional feel of your messages
  • Design Style: Color schemes, fonts
  • Avatar or Logo

Approach this step with great care. After all, 55% of first impressions come from what people see, and 38% from how they hear your first words.

Choose Platforms for Promotion and Create Engaging Content

You can promote your personal brand on various online platforms, such as:

  • Your own website
  • Social media, like LinkedIn or Facebook
  • Professional communities, and more

Even if you feel more comfortable running a personal blog, choose the platforms that your target audience actively uses.

At first, this might feel uncomfortable: we all enjoy communicating in small, like-minded circles, free from sharp criticism and competition. But if you want to grow, you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone.

Tell Your Story

Genuine stories always resonate well with the audience. Share how you came up with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur: what or who influenced this decision?

A heartfelt story can inspire, motivate, and create an emotional connection with your audience.

But don’t rush to reveal everything at once. Think strategically. Define the purpose of your story. It could be to build a community, attract investors, or share your experiences and knowledge. Then, highlight the key points you need to mention:

  • Who inspired you to start your own business?
  • What achievements do you consider the most significant?
  • What challenges did you have to overcome?
  • What lessons did you learn from your experience?

Tell your story in a sequential manner—it will be better perceived this way. Describe who you were at the start of your entrepreneurial journey, mention key events and achievements, and don’t forget to share your future plans.

Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability—it can make your story more emotional. Use vivid metaphors and comparisons, describe your feelings, and openly talk about mistakes and failures.

Regularly Create Content

To promote your personal brand, create interesting and valuable content. This can include posts about your achievements, industry news, and reflections on current topics. Join discussions, defend your point of view, and get noticed by others.

The format of your content can vary: social media posts, videos, podcasts, or webinars. But remember, your goal isn’t to sell your services immediately, but to make your presence known. Share your experiences, respond to comments, and participate in discussions related to your industry.

Build Connections

After choosing platforms to promote your personal brand, start interacting with your target audience. Follow other users on social media, comment on their posts, and ask questions. Share your opinions and join community discussions.

For networking, attending offline events is also beneficial: conferences, industry exhibitions, and competitions. Strive to collaborate with colleagues or influential figures in your niche.

In Summary

Want to become famous? Earn a good income? Find loyal clients? Then take these personal branding tips for entrepreneurs and start working.

You won’t have to wait months or years for results. As you develop, doors will open to new partners, clients, and projects. The further you go, the more opportunities will arise. Believe in yourself, and you will succeed.

Yuliya Bohoboyashcaya

Yuliya is a copywriter with over 12 years of experience crafting engaging and tailored content across various niches, including marketing and business.

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